Mbajtja e qëllimshme ose dhënia e informacioneve mashtruese, të pasakta mbi një pretendim për përfitimet e sigurimit të papunësisë konsiderohet mashtrim, i cili dënohet sipas...
Unemployment Insurance (UI) fraud occurs when someone knowingly provides false information, or withholds facts, to obtain UI benefits for which they are not eligible.
يُعَد حجب المعلومات أو تقديم معلومات خاطئة أو غير دقيقة بشأن إحدى مطالبات مزايا التأمين ضد البطالة احتيالًًا، وهو أمر يُعاقب عليه القانون. تحرَّ دائمًا...
Unemployment Insurance (UI) fraud occurs when someone knowingly provides false information, or withholds facts, to obtain UI benefits for which they are not eligible.
UI সুবিধা সংক্রান্ত দাবিতে ইচ্ছাকৃতভাবে ভুল, বিভ্রান্তি কর তথ্্য প্রদান করা বা সঠিক তথ্্য না দেওয়াটা জালি য়াতি বলে বিবেচ িত হয়, যেটাআইনগতভাবে শাস্তিযো�োগ্...
Unemployment Insurance (UI) fraud occurs when someone knowingly provides false information, or withholds facts, to obtain UI benefits for which they are not eligible.