Contractor Registry



Contractor Registry Requirement in December 2024

There is a new subsection 220-I to Article 8, which establishes a requirement that contractors register with the Bureau of Public Work and Prevailing Wage Enforcement. This registration must be completed prior to bidding on public work projects or commencing work on public work projects or covered private projects that are subject to the prevailing wage pursuant to Sections 224-a, 224-d, & 224-e.

The effective date of the registration requirement is December 30, 2024.  No contractors or subcontractors are required to register prior to that date.


Electronic Certified Payroll Submissions in 2025

There is a new subsection 220-j in Article 8, which will require the Department of Labor to develop a publicly accessible online database of electronic certified payroll records, which will be available no later than December 31, 2025.

All submissions of certified payroll records will be collected electronically through this forthcoming database, starting when the system is completed in 2025.

Please watch this space for additional information.